Cosmic Horror – unveiling the Horrors of the Universe
Get ready to dive into the abyss of space and explore the darkest corners of the universe. At the Planetarium, we invite you to embark on a journey where science meets the cosmic unknown.
19:15: Welcome
19:30: First researcher presents doomsday
19:50: Second researcher presents doomsday
20:10: Interval
20:40: Third researcher presents doomsday
21:00: Questions from the audience
21:30: Voting on the most frightening apocalypse
21:45: Thank you and goodnight!!!
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Through the lens of real-world science, we’ll venture into the eerie and the mysterious, where the line between knowledge and terror blurs, and reality reveals its most terrifying face. This night of 'Cosmic Horror' will be like no other.
Three distinguished scientists specializing in different areas will unravel the cosmic chaos that could potentially spell the end of everything. Whether it will be stellar explosions, supernovas, black holes, or thermos nuclear explosions on neutron stars. Forget fiction—this is where real science tests the boundaries of your imagination.
You don't need to be an expert to comprehend the mighty dark forces lurking out there, threatening to bring about cosmic catastrophe. Our speakers will break down complex phenomena in a way that everyone can grasp and be both fascinated and terrified by the mysteries of the universe.
By the end of the night, you and your fellow attendees will have the chance to vote on the most horrifying cosmic scenario.
Join us for a thrilling evening of science and cosmic terror—an event guaranteed to challenge your perception of the universe and its terrifying forces.
The event will be conducted in English.
Our prophets of dooms are:
Irene Tamborra
An astrophysicist working at the intersection between particle physics and astrophysics, Irene will guide us through the violent universe, where stellar explosions and catastrophic transient astrophysical events reign supreme. Irene is a professor at the Niels Bohr Institute.
Jérôme Chenevez
Specializing in space-based observations with X-ray telescopes, Jérôme Chenevez is an expert in the astrophysics of neutron stars and black holes—the compact objects that reside in X-ray binary systems. Jerome is an associate professor at DTU Space.
Ulrich Hoff
Specializing in quantum cavity optomechanics and photonic quantum computing, Ulrich knows better than most people what quantum computing might bring to humanity. Ulrich is a quantum physicist, Ph.D. and has been a senior adviser in quantum technology at DTU. He now works with the Danish quantum computing company Kvanitfy.
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