Expanding our Universe /James Webb Space Telescope
Expanding our Universe /James Webb Space Telescope
During its first years of observation, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has, quite literally, expanded the Universe before our very eyes.
The telescope makes it possible to peer further out in space, and thus back in time, than any other telescope, contributing to numerous scientific breakthroughs.
This evening, we will explore the newest scientific discoveries from the space telescope – spanning all the way from exoplanet atmospheres to the earliest galaxies in our Universe.
Anne Hutter is a theoretical astrophysicist and postdoctoral researcher at the Cosmic Dawn Center on the Niels Bohr Institute.
Anne works on simulations, which are used when modeling the early universe. This evening, she will enlighten us on the many scientific possibilities of JWST’s findings, and how simulations can help scientists predict what to expect from James Webb and future telescopes.
Minju Lee is a postdoctoral fellow from the Cosmic Dawn Center at the Technical University of Denmark.
Minju’s research is centered on galaxies in the early universe, exploring how the environment surrounding these galaxies can affect how they evolve – a research area in constant development, thanks to telescopes such as JWST.
Hannah Diamond-Lowe is a senior researcher and part of the exoplanet group at DTU Space.
Hannah is particularly interested in smaller, rocky planets, similar in size to our own Earth.
Using data from JWST, Hannah studies the atmospheres of these exoplanets – something that might hold the clues to whether life can exist in other solar systems.
Jasleen Matharu is a postdoctoral researcher from the Cosmic Dawn Center at the Niels Bohr Institute.
Processing and analyzing data from telescopes, such as JWST, is crucial for making new scientific discoveries, and Jasleen is working on developing software for doing precisely this.
She aims to use data from the telescope to explore some of the earliest galaxies in the Universe.
With a planetarium show specially designed for the event, Planetarium’s astrophysicist, Cecilie Sand Nørholm, will take you to some of the greatest telescopes on Earth – and in space – passing by both Hawaii and Chile on the way, before launching to space and joining our main character of the night, James Webb Space Telescope.
With more than two decades of planning and several months of calibration, huge expectations had been set for the space telescope.
Now, after thousands of hours of observations, the scientific results are proving that the telescope has been well worth waiting for.
We are looking forward to seeing you at this intriguing event on the newest discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope.