Time is impressionable
Is time an illusion, a dimension or maybe just a human construct?
19.15: Welcome
19.20: The time of space
19.40: The time of physics / Ulrik Ingerslev Uggerhøj
20.10: Break
20.40: The time of man / Søren Riis
21.10: Questions and discussion
21.50: Thank you for tonight
- dk
Time is a fascinating phenomenon - crucial to our understanding of the universe and what it means to be human. This evening, we'll take a journey through the mysteries of time in the Planetarium Dome, where physics and philosophy meet to explore the depths of time.
We begin the evening with a space journey through the universe, where our astrophysicist will set the scene and awaken our wonder at the nature of time. Professor of Physics, Ulrik Ingerslev Uggerhøj, will then take us into the world of physics, where time is affected by gravity and motion - an insight based on Einstein's groundbreaking discoveries and experiments, to which Ulrik himself contributed.
Philosopher and Dr Phil. Søren Riis sheds light on the importance of time for human consciousness. How is our experience of time shaped by technology and society, and what does it mean that we live in a simultaneity of past, present and future?
Finally, we open up for a lively discussion where the audience and the speakers can explore the mysteries of time together. An evening for reflection, contemplation and wonder.
Whatever your background, you are invited to an inspiring evening where we explore the many dimensions of time together.
Standard, 205 DKK / Annual pass holder, 103 DKK / Students, 150 DKK
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